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Ms HoiLam Tang, MS, ATR-BC
 Board Certified Registered Art Therapist

Ms Tang is a Board Certified Registered Art Psychotherapist (ATR-BC, USA),  Counselor , Mixed Media Artist, and a Registered Yoga Teacher. She was the former Executive Secretary and Newsletter Editor of Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists.  She has been an active practitioner and provides art therapy service and training for individual and allied professionals in Hong Kong, the US, and several Asian countries over a decade.

Ms Tang works with a wide scope of populations. She extensively works with teens who suffer from anxiety, poor self-esteem, social phobia, depression, bipolar,  trauma, eating disorders, suicidal and self-mutilating behaviors. In recent years, she works more with bereaved individuals, adults with cancer, battered women from abusive relationship, and children from divorced family.

Her practice consists of the use of verbal and non-verbal communication namely conventional art making, clay, felting, puppetry, photography, writing, found art, mask making, sand play, etc.

Ms Tang presented in local and international conferences. She provides lectures, professional trainings and supervisions locally and overseas. She also volunteered for local and international humanitarian organizations to provide services and training for those who are facing adversity from natural disasters and social injustice issues.

Meet the Art Therapist: About Me


  • Board Certified Registered Art Therapist, #14-019, Art Therapy Credentials Board, USA

  • Registered Yoga Teacher, Yoga Alliance USA


  • ​MS in Art Therapy, Eastern Virginia Medical School

  • BFA in Painting, Arcadia University 

Professional Memberships

Hong Kong Association of Art Therapist

Professional Member

  • Professional Member

  • Executive Committee Member (2013-2019)

  • Executive Secretary (2016-2019)


  • Shifflett,C. & Tang, H. (2010). Felting with Family. In Vegges-Whites, S. & Davis, N.(Ed). Integrating the Creative Arts into Theory-Based Counseling Practice. New York: Springers.

Meet the Art Therapist: Credentials
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